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Halfway Through 2023

I'm always shocked when we get here, the first half of the year always feels the longest when you're in it, but then when we do get here I feel the energy of the soon to be holiday rush. Not trying to scare you or anything. The Summer quarter just began, so you still have a few months to gather what your ideal turn out of 2023 should feel like. For myself, I'm a first time mom and I want to "soak in every minute" as they say but also be very productive and organized in my home and work life. I personally lean on being organized the most because my brain just works better. Trust me, I have my lazy moments and long "to-do" lists like anyone else but I'm working harder and harder to make sure each day I tackle a corner in my home, my work area or "to-do" list to alleviate the pressure and potential breakdown that comes if I don't. I've noticed there is less and less important pending things when I do this, and more free time to enjoy my loved ones, RnR, hobbies and more...

So now I'm doing my usual mid year check in to see where to adjust and make do. I noticed for me in my line of work January and July are the slowest months out of the year for me. I love that because it's the top and mid point of the year and always each month starts out with a FULL MOON. The phase of shedding what no longer serves you and to hone in on what is working. So this blogpost today is a reminder to check in with oneself at the halfway mark and see in the three areas of your world: Mind, Body, Spirit, what is working, what is wearing you out and what is pulling at your hearstrings?

For me I feel a stronger pull to nature more than ever before. If you know me, or follow on social, I'm almost always posting my plants from my garden or nature anywhere I visit. These days I want to play a bit more with herbalism and just the feminine energy Mother Nature has to offer. I notice the time taken to do so, fuels my soul and restores my energy.

Also routines, routines have always been my go to and currently with a 4 month old it's still on my top list to provide a routine for my son and myself. Luckily my husband also enjoys having a set routine but we both know as first time parents we have to be flexible. The best way we found to be flexible with routines in general is making sure our 'Morning Routine' is set. We've gotten our son on a sleep schedule rather early that allows us to achieve the most productivity in the AM. We both notice when we each get to have our Morning Routine, we are able to be more productive and for me at home, really getting a lot done in between my son's naps...and just so we're clear my Morning Routine is still filled with exercise, gratitude journal, oracle card pulls, meditation and a walk through the garden.

Lastly connecting with one's spirituality. I feel the more I practice, even three minutes of meditation whether guided or not, plus prayer, I have more patience, clarity and grounding. All of this allows myself to perform better as me. Which I truly believe happy mother, happy child. Just like happy wife, happy life LOL!

So I'm gathering a few blog posts and tools that help me tap into my "best self" that I strive to be each day fueled by healthy lifestyle habits. I share these with you incase one or more experiences or tools also help you. Feel free to share with me what works for you, as I'm always into introducing more helpful tools that compliment and support what I'm working towards.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through any link, I may receive a potential commission at no extra cost to you. I only share items that I genuinely value and have used.



SUPER ATTRACTOR by Gabrielle Bernstein | It's one of my favorites that I'll put her on audible while I do errands around the house, shopping or going for a walk. She has a several mantras, visualizations, the descriptions of our Archangels and ways to pray and call on them. But most importantly how we are constantly sent message from the divine and how to master and use that for comfort, healing and strength BUY HERE

Miracle Mornings by Hal Elrod |It's a great book to remind you to seize your mornings with your health and wellness and have that "me time" energy resonate throughout the day. Read this books years ago and it's always one worth repeating for that energy of success in your health and productivity in your career. BUY HERE

The Home Edit by Clea Shearer & Joanna Teplin | Yes we've all seen the netflix series, but prior to that they were an instagram page, turned book, turned series. I personally prefer referencing their book for organization inspo and creativity simply because when I don't want to clean and organize, this book's visuals REALLY get you going! BUY HERE

For a full list of books we love for Mindset | Lifestyle | Home - CLICK HERE

For a full list of books we love for Spirituality | Metaphysical | Oracle Cards - CLICK HERE


Here are a few blogposts that share a few exercises and rituals in meditation, metaphysical and overall wellness that I go back to when ever I feel called.

5 WAYS TO MANIFEST YOUR YEAR | this post contains exercises that are either in practical productivity, visualization projects and also metaphysical ritual to create and receive a prosperous year. It's never too late to do this throughout the year, by the way. READ HERE

Spiritual Basics: Good Vibes Only post & Intro To post.. | I love these blogposts because they break down a few things like setting intentions depending on the moon phase, the different ways to smudge with sacred smoke, crystals and more. All things you can do a soften as daily or quarterly throughout the year. READ HERE & READ HERE

Alignment Meditation for Beginners | It's exactly about what the title says and it's an easy mantra to get you going in your meditation practice. READ HERE

21 DAY CLEANSE | I recently completed my third round of the Ultimate Reset Cleanse. A food based cleanse that cleans and restores your gut in 21 days. The additional perk is the weight loss that simultaneously happens while you are encouraging yourself some very healthy lifestyle habits. This cleanse in particular I decided to complete after reaching three months postpartum and it's reinvigorated my health and wellness efforts. READ HERE


Alright fam, before the first full week of July comes to an end, I ask you to check in with yourself and see what areas to nurture, rest on, and let go of to thrive for the remaining part of 2023. Sending you all so much love, light and RnR during the summer season!!!


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