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Writer's pictureblonde2brunette

Ring in the NEW YEAR | w/ EASY Healthy Habits

The Holidays has us doing two things (in my experience). Trying to keep up with everything and everyone while also possibly choosing unhealthy habits. We all do it. We say yes to almost every holiday gathering if work permits and then the creeping of anxiety to attend all of those events lead to possibly skipping meals then over eating, or possibly messing up on your daily routine and so on. Since before the holidays began I found myself accepting personal challenges to keep up with. As I was consistent, I saw results.

Now with the Holidays here I’ve been able to stay on top of my weight, health, and sanity. Basically my well being. You know how they say “Summer bodies are made in the winter”? Well to be honest even though I’m from Miami, I actually prefer being on point during the holidays. Maybe it’s because I like to dress up and wear festive clothing, or wear tons of layers because I dig a trendy cat lady look. It’s clearly a fashion thing for me and being that my birthday is in September it gives me the incentive that the “NEW YEAR” starts then. That doesn’t mean it’s too late to feel refreshed by the New Year! Some of these “Healthy Habits” you already know but sometimes we need a little reminding. Check them out below.

1| WATER | Yes water, water, water!!! Not only does it keep you alive, but help you flush all the toxins out, helps you aid in weight loss, keeps your skin hydrated and helps you sleep better. I’ve gotten to the point of making sure I have a water bottle at my bedside morning and night, in my purse and while I’m working at my desk. Having that water bottle near by just makes it easier to get you into the habit of drinking water on the daily. If you aren’t into the water thing add some lemon, fruit/herbs to infuse over night, drink herbal tea. There are many ways you can “eat” your water too; cucumber, lettuce, bell peppers, grapefruit, zucchini etc.

2| NO SNACKING | Some people are on diets where they do six small meals a day or three balanced meals a day. This is the ultimate challenge. If you can avoid snacking completely and only have your appropriate meals I PROMISE you will drop weight. If you want try doing it from Monday- Friday and on the weekends treat yourself. I think this is the hardest during the holidays. So many decadent desserts at the market and parties. Like trader Joe’s truffle chips, WTF TJ’s why must you do this to me. If I buy it, I will consume it. Not the proper serving size either, I’m talking half the bag while watching the Hallmark Channel. If you are going to snack because your getting serious hunger pains, be smart with what you put in your mouth. Veggies, nuts, dark chocolate, I usually save the fruits for the first part of the day you know, sugar. If I’m going to have sweets because I GOTTAAAA I save it for a “ cheat day/ weekend”, I then note it in my calendar for accountability.

3| CUT THE ALCOHOL | Holiday parties are all about festive toasts and pairings with your meals. That doesn’t mean you have to over do it. Stress definitely increases during this season and can lead to over drinking during the work week where you find yourself maybe drinking a glass or two of something at the end of your day. Not only will this increase major water retention, lessen your sleep but gain pointless weight in not so fun places or worse increase a potential dependency on alcohol. We can avoid this if we are just conscious of how many “units” of alcohol we have. I LOVE wine, beer, bourbon and scotch all with plenty of empty calories, but when you detox for a bit you will find yourself craving less of these and will have the will power to just have a 1-2 glass limit at outings.

4| BATHROOM SQUATS | This random habit started during Hurricane Irma while having serious cabin fever. Every time I used the restroom I would complete 21-60 squats. I’m talking every time you brush your teeth, shower, tinkle, put your makeup on etc. SQUAT BABY!!! It also made me feel less guilty on the days I didn’t ‘WORK OUT’. I did find myself feeling super awkward when I went into public restrooms, worried I would creep out the person next to me, or possibly tear my jeans, stick to 21 at those public spots and make sure your pants have spandex in them. HA!

5| SETTING GOALS/ TO DO's | I have a white board and bullet journal, with monthly and weekly goals and to do's that I look at everyday to remind myself what I need to get done. I can't stress is enough, but write these down. Every week you should be completing goals that lead you to the ultimate goals of the months that then add up to your yearly goals. CLICK HERE and read number (3)-OR- HERE to get an idea.

These 5 Healthy Habits have gotten me through the last quarter of the year and I hope before this week is out, you find the ease in setting your feel good habits, because that is what these are meant to do- MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD! Pro tip, stay away from the negative people that frown upon " New Year, New Me" you don't need that negativity in your life.

Happy New Year to all of you!!!



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