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In January, I obsessed over ginger everything, and some tea recipe’s. Below you will find my top two recipe’s to get me feeling healthy and balanced!

Green Tea Elixir

This first recipe come’s from my vocal coach, Jeannette. She drinks this EVERY SINGLE DAY! I have never seen her or heard of her ever getting sick! This tea aids in prevention of getting sick AND boost your immune system before/during sickness, and also balances your PH Levels. So if you are a tea drinker, I am most positive you will enjoy this drink! I for one thing wished I wasn’t so lazy this past month and would have stayed on it while interacting with so many sickies.

What you will need:

  • Green Tea

  • 1 Cap Full Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Juice of 1/2 to 1Lemon

  • Honey (to taste/ optional)

In your favorite mug, with your favorite version of green tea, heat and steep till ready. Add the apple cider vinegar, lemon, and honey (optional) AFTER heating the green tea.

Although the vinegar will smell…well vinegary, you will realize that once it’s poured in, you don’t notice it. The taste is mild, I honestly don’t taste it BUT I do feel it in my throat. Especially when I have been sick it’s the perfect drink for that itchy dry throat!

Ginger Turmeric Tea

At some point I’ve pinned wonderful wellness tips onto my ” Mind Body Soul” board and came across so many tips with all natural ingredients mostly infused with turmeric and ginger. I love ginger everything. I love the smell, the taste, the burn, and the effortless way it helps with my nausea from motion sickness. I’m now falling more in love with turmeric everyday, and those two combined are pretty awesome! Both aid in boosting the immune. I’m now comprehending from browsing the web on how turmeric has aided in not onlyimmune system and cold fighter ingredient but also prevention/aiding in liver/colon detoxing, inflammation , pain from inflammation, arthritis, skin aging, diabetes, cancer, depression—- I mean the list goes on!!!

I’m a cramp sufferer, and working out and physical activity have always lessoned the effects of my menstrual cramps, but now adding turmeric into my everyday diet needs, this month my cramps have dwindled significantly. It could be all in my head, but I don’t want to break everything in sight while a war is going on in my lower abdominal area! The mix of working out and turmeric/ginger diet has been wonderful.

What You Will Need:

  • Choose your base from, Water or Coconut Milk or Almond Milk

  • 1 Tsp of Turmeric

  • Slices or Juice of Ginger

  • Juice of 1/2 to 1 Lemon

  • Honey (to taste/optional)

You will heat and steep like you would any other tea, be sure to heat your base first with the turmeric, and ginger (you can strain into mug if you use ginger slices) I bought cold pressed ginger shots over at TEMPLE (you can get these at any juice/ smoothie bar, or Whole Food Markets). After allowing to steep, add your lemon and honey. The combination is no doubt fragrant and beautiful. I find this tea very soothing. It definitely something you can incorporate into you diet, and with health benefits like this, why not?

For everyone freezing in the cold parts of the world, I hope this came at the right time for you, and for anyone looking to reap the benefits of anything wellness, may this bring you comfort.

Pinkies Up,


P.S. What are some of your favorite wellness tea’s/ drinks?



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