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Valentine's | Inspo & Tips

'Cause It's Friday night and we just, just, just, just, juuuuuuuusssssttt-- remembered I have to finalize a v-day gift. LOL or not. I mean really you can be as extravagant or simple as you want. REMINDER you don't have to have a significant other to have a Valentine. There is still your ride or die/bestfriend or your closest family member.

My main thing is cards, flowers and time well spent. Doesn't have to be expensive restaurant or jewelry dozens and dozens of flowers.

For example my Beau gave me cards, took me to an art festival that had live music and we spent the day admiring art, picking up yummy food fair and finding a cool spot on the grass as we listened to some great jams.

I mean we enjoy that sort of thing, maybe your a beach lover or hiking person or a Netflix and chill. They all work!

If you like to do gift exchanges there is something to be said about BAKED GOODS!

This brings me to my favorite baker, Sarah Price of THE LITTLE SUGARS. I "storied" her shop on my ig: @blonde2brunette and I keep going back for more. I guess it's because Sylvia and I both feel she's our baker spirit animal. She not only gets that "homemade taste", but also the packaging. Something our mom would do!

Check it:

She handmade those heart pillows as well. There are two box sizes, you can either pick them up or have it delivered. She also ships NATION WIDE! So if you want something unique, not your typical in store item this is ideal!


Oh! fun fact, She's having a FREE PIE TASTING TOMORROW (Feb 11th 2017) at her shop!!! Click here for more details:

Over the past couple of years we've given you gift ideas some themed to VDAY and others for all random events.

Here's a few throwbacks...

- DIY ideas on how to make a custom personalized gift basket. Click HERE.

- DIY lavender lotion bars. Perfect for your lady friends and yourself! p.s. EASY! Click HERE.

- Quick way to letter your tags & cards. Click HERE.

It's Friday, so you have FOUR days to finalize your items, but fortunately the weekend is here! Start early in the morning. Use your online coupons for Micheal's Craft Stores (40% off), your cartwheel app for Target and for flowers check out Trader Joe's before you hit up anywhere else. Such low prices and great product! If you want to go the extra mile, WHOLESALE flower shops like Miami's BERKELEYS FLORIST SUPPLY.

MOST IMPORTANTLY just enjoy spreading love to everyone and everything around you! It's a great method to practice each and EVERYDAY!

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours ALL DAY - EVERYDAY!



P.S. Message us your best, worst and/or most awkward Valetine's Day ever! We would love to share your story with our readers this VDAY! We've all had one or many of the versions. Check out our last v-day stories: CLICK HERE.



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