I have been seeing these really beautiful roses arranged in vintage hat boxes and other beautiful papered boxes for about a year now. I'm obsessed with them because they don't "die". Technically they are already passed due except they are preserved so well that their petals are still soft to the touch! If you keep them in cool dry places, they last up to a couple years apparently. Anyway , I thought about getting some cute rose boxes for their coffee tables during the holidays last year and I was just browsing the one brand I saw on repeat on instagram and BOOM- FOUR ROSES in a box for $139 DOLLARS!!!! I shit you not! I mean I get it, they are in these gorgeous boxes and you have a variety of colors to choose from and then their are shipping costs, but one hundred and thirty nine dollars - F O R F O U R R O S E S?! I checked out a few other brands and still up in price.
If you follow our insta, we are buying roses and other blooms whole sale and budget wise, it's just too expensive. The day I have "F.U. Money" is the day I'll have fun and putting a faaackin' box in every room. LOL. They are gorgeous and I still love (I'll link the brands on the bottom). So I figured I'll get silk flowers and create the same effect-ish. Then came the wonderful Jet Fresh FLowers Distributors. They are queen of social media and actually informing us common folk (as in I'm not an actual florist) of their latest deliveries in flowers! I just about died when I saw that they carry-- DUN DUN DUN PRESERVED ROSES!!!!!!!!!!!!
My next scary question and I asked through DM, was price? They messaged me right back "6 for $18"!!! They proceeded to send me video of their room of preserved roses and they had every color you could think of and even some with shimmer on them! I popped in the next day and grabbed some fresh and a box of cream white preserved roses. My favorite is that they let you take your time and they don't hover.

I took these babies home and grabbed the boxes I had. Over time I have saved Laduree boxes. My room had a rustic Parisian flair for some time and I was (still am) obsessed with macarons and would visit this patisserie in NYC any chance I could before it came to Miami.
Sigh... I miss my old room, but I'm now in a transition phase for "married life" and have my pieces in new areas of my future home (that's a whole other post in itself).
So if you find yourself at a HomeGoods, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Container Store or anything with potentially eye pleasing craft boxes. Save some for some rose boxes!

PRESERVED ROSES: Handle with care, they are still roses after all. Safely remove them from the box. They are attached by a pin and secured with foam. You can get them at Jet Fresh Flowers. Some are available to order if you are not local, but if you are please go have some fun and check this place out. [BUY HERE]
PAPER BOX: Box of your choice. We had mentioned HomeGoods, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Container Store. The deeper the box, the more likely you might need some shredded paper for stuffing (or foam works too). Whatever the color of the box on the inside, use the same color for filler. If it's lacking in color or design. I recommend finding some colored paper or special hand drawn paper, maybe add some clip art and text? Like from my girl's shop TWG Designs [Click Here For Paper Designs]. You can size the paper to whichever length you need and adhere it with ModgePodge with a gloss finish for a polished look [Buy Glue Here].
HOT GLUE GUN: If you are happy with your design, time to set it. I recommend glueing at the base, but you have to work fast so it set's in the right spot. I will show you an example on IG stories and it will live in the DIY & Nesting Highlight.
ROSE SCENT (optional): The downfall to preserved roses is that the scent is entirely gone, so it's up to you to bring suspension of disbelief and pick up a bottle of rose essential oil. Just drop a few in the center and you are all set!
LOCATION: Try to pick a cool dry spot. I'm sure that's unavoidable in Miami, but hey we got this. For styling purposes I would pick on top of the coffee table, nightstand, entryway, kitchen island, guest bathroom. So many areas and it of course depends on the size of the box you have, keep that in mind when gathering your boxes!
I hope you all enjoyed this very easy and faux lux project! I think Mom, Abuela, Tia and your Mommy friends would love a low maintenance but elegant gift.
Happy Mother's Day
If you are ready to splurge, check out these two: Venus ET Fleur , Fleurs De Paris