Valentine’s Day is almost here! AAAHHH!
Here are some more V-Day gift ideas, that won’t break the bank and can be done in just a couple hours! Let’s get started!!!
Personalized Tags & Gift Boxing

First thought for tags/boxes: Your local Michael’s crafts store, Joanne Fabrics, or any other craft store. Before going to the main ” paper crafts” section- DO GO to the clearance section! You be surprised what they have!
I also love visiting my local HomeGoods store, and checking out the clearance section as well. There’s nothing like a gift box that can be re-purposed and used for storing goodies of some sort.
But your first stop should be the DOLLAR STORE! Maybe you won’t find the best tags ( I prefer plain craft papered look), but there are cute themed packaging that can be used, your second stop should be the DOLLAR SECTION At TARGET. I got some cute “rose gold” pale/buckets, that I plan on stuffing little packages for my niece and nephew ( anything left I may just use as a starter pot for some seeds and scraps from the kitchen).
As I stressed before, I love the whole handmade look for this “holiday”, and I go for the feminine touch with the writing styles. Not everyone want to spend the money of specialty nibs to create the most beautiful typography out there (plus it the time to truly master the art of calligraphy). If only there were more hours in the day…sigh… then there is the awesome saying ” Fake it, till you make it.”. So if you don’t have the traditional and non traditional nibs (I got min at Michaels Crafts, order on eBay for cheaper), you can easily create the look with just basic cursive, or whatever writing style you do have fun with it.
See pictures below for an easy PICTORIAL.

Reading Material
From the tips above, you can save money on store bought cards, and go truly old school with this! Look for the sales on paper doilies and buy just a couple sheets of colored paper. get the scissors out, glue, and pen… and go ham!

I really do love the cutesy books/gifts from Urban Outfitters, and Francesca’s. They mix cute and quirky just right and their prices aren’t half bad either!
Baked Goods
If you have a foodie lover, then the ideal gifts are some sort of sweet. If you love to bake, and want an easy way of decorating cupcakes, cake, or cookies. Every one loves the adorable and lovely rosette cake.
Piping Tip: Star Tip (I used Wilton’s 2D Piping Tip, smaller star tips are great for cookies/ smaller cakes)
Piping Bag: I prefer disposable bags, craft stores, or local cake supply stores carry them. If you are pressed for time, try the corner of a large ziplock bag.
Icing: a nicely whipped buttercream, that isn’t runny, and can have peaks and stay when whipped!
Confections: Have your confections on standby. Do a couple test before, so you get the hang of it, even practice spacing between the rosettes. You may notice a size, or overlapping of some that is desired most. When Icing a cake, will want to do a crumb coating first, basically a light coating of buttercream, to not only keep an crumbs on the cake from mixing with and icing, but also allows the rosettes to adhere to, when working on the walls of the cake (Work your up when adding the rosettes!).
Pick up some edible glitter dusting, color spray cans (if you don’t have an air brush machine), or some sugar accents to add a lil something. The rosettes by themselves are sweet enough as is.
Please enjoy the video tutorial below [LINK BELOW], made from the sister shop Caro’s Confections:
*the rosettes on the left are made with a Wilton 22 star tip, and to the right Wilton 5 star tip. Like i said before the Wilton 2D star tip is great to cover larger areas for cakes, any star tip will do, they just give different style to the “petals” of the rosettes!
Well everyone, I hope this post has inspired you to do something different this year for your loved ones!!! May your day be full of warmth, laughter, sweets, and above all LOVE!

Stay tuned for more “Valentine’s Day” related post! Some sweet stories from our viewers, an inspirational company called ” P.S. I Do”, and even a sweet, loving and quirky web series to look out for called “Love (Asterisk)”.